We have found that an average conversion can take anywhere between 4-8 weeks
how much does an average conversion cost in liverpool?
The cost is ultimately dependant on the specifications. However, on average conversions cost between £15,000 and £30,000.
can any loft be converted?
No, there are some lofts that are unable to be converted into living spaces. We offer a free, no obligation consultation that will be able to highlight this before the project goes any further.
Our expert team specialise in conversions of all types.Whether it is a loft, garage or any other type of home conversion, then you have come to the right place.
We are committed to providing only the highest quality conversions that are both affordable and accurate to your plans. A conversion can give your home much needed extra space that can be used for anything from storage to an extra bathroom.
At Pure Build we are proud of our high-quality workmanship and trusted reputation and we are continuously improving by working to strict schedules, that will help with your project length and even costs.
To arrange a free, no obligation call with one of our team today then use the form on the contact page and provide as much detail as possible about your project.
Transform your home with Pure Build Developments
Today is the day to build the home of your dreams.